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Revolutionary CD/MP3 Radio and DJ software, auto mixing, smooth audio compressor


"Revolutionary CD/MP3 Radio and DJ software, auto mixing, smooth audio compressor"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: World-wide by thousands of people, OtsAV DJ Silver features a powerful professional level of quality will not only find other software used:

# Intelligent Auto-Fade -
(OTS Labs mixing IntelliFade Technology ™)
# High-quality Time-scaling / Tempo deck Sliders (up to + / -100%)
(OTS Labs ClearScale Technology ™)
# Professional publications dynamics processor
Concept and album cover # Ots Album file graphics processing
# Powerful and fast search facility
# Easy to use list management and order
# Instant answers to all controls - no annoying delay
# CD-DA Direct functionality. First!
# Save as wave of functionality without ripping audio CDs OtsAV Play DJ environment. Record your mix.
# Live Scratching & Scratch Sampler. Like you with real vinyl manipulation OtsAV DJ's would you like to hear the same sound you hear in any way, virtual turntable! Record for later use movements from scratch or to exchange with others!
# ASIO driver support. Ultra low-latency support.
# Output Channel Flexibility. Old School Mode to an external mixer or use an integrated software mixer with standard mode.
# Media Library with the support OMQL. Organize media and the powerful Media Library Ots Media Query and incredibly smart playlists to find the right products help with creating a query language.
# Remote access control, control over the network or the internet.
Provide support and Winamp Visualization Plugin - Institution imaging Winamp plug-ins use a lot. OtsDJ 1.85.064 Now you can download free.

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